Candidate for President Elect:
Candidate's Statement: I see ALISE as a place of opportunity, dedicated to the very idea of emergence, change, and re-invention and tied to a strong sense of history and mission. In particular, it is an organization that can and should devote itself emphatically not only to fostering and supporting educators and researchers who are either entering the field or in the early stages of their careers, but also to listening to and learning from those younger colleagues. Recent years have seen some grassroots concern within ALISE and other professional organizations about our commitment to equity and diversity across our field’s programs and activities. As one of the premier professional organizations for Library and Information Science, ALISE needs to reexamine and reinforce its commitment to both equity and diversity across a wide variety of dimensions, including ethnicity, race, gender, sexual identity, age, professional status, and others. Strong support for broad representation, inclusion, and organizational support should be an explicit emphasis for the organization, and should be reflected consistently in all of its practices. The organization’s membership (and recruitment) should reflect such a commitment to inclusion, and the organization should further commit not only to communicating this but also to creating robust mentoring practices in support of diversity and equity, in particular taking inspiration and direction from those colleagues who are making this a focus of their teaching and research. ALISE, along with ASIS&T and the iSchools, has been increasingly exploring possible avenues for coordination across organizations. In a world defined by financial constraints and the challenges brought by a global pandemic, such coordination is essential, and shared strategies for cooperation and collaboration will require careful discussion and planning over the next several years. The field of Library and Information Science can only benefit from increased alignment of these organizations. I have been active in all three organizations and would bring an understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and potentials of this process to the office of President-Elect, with a focus on how such coordination can help us all continue to build on our strengths as a perpetually emergent discipline. Biography:
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