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ALISE Webinar | Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) - Developing an International Quality Assessment Framework
Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Category: Other Events

Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) - Developing an International Quality Assessment Framework

Presented By:

Dr. Dick Kawooya, Interim Director of the School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina
Dr. Clara M. Chu
Director and Mortenson Distinguished Professor, University of Illinois
Dr. Jaya Raju, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship, University of Cape Town

Moderated By:

Dr. Dick Kawooya, Interim Director of the School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina

Presentation Description:

The Building Strong Library and Information Science Education (BSLISE) Working Group ( of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), is an initiative of the IFLA Sections on Education and Training, and Library Theory and Research, and the LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group. The BSLISE Working Group is pursuing the development of an international quality assurance framework that will guide and promote international educational standards in LIS.

Its work considers the sociopolitical and technological developments that are inclusive of local and regional contexts. In its first phase of research, the group conducted an international survey to understand the qualification requirements for library and information “professional” practice around the world, inclusive of regional and national contexts. This webinar is informed by the findings from this international survey. This webinar is co-sponsored by Library Theory and Research Section and the Education and Training Section of IFLA

Presenter Bios


Dr. Dick Kawooya is the current Interim Director of the School of Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Kawooya's current research interests focus on the role of information (intellectual property) in fostering innovation. He is specifically looking at the role and impact of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the exchange of innovation between formal institutions (universities, research centers, libraries, etc) and informal businesses or sectors in Africa. 

Clara M. Chu is Director and Mortenson Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois. She brings more than two decades of professional knowledge and experiences to advance the mission of the Mortenson Center in this dual role. In addition to having published in leading international journals, trained and taught around the world, Dr. Chu has held successive leadership positions. Her transnational, ethnic minority, and multilingual background provides her a distinctive and critical lens in the social study of information issues to transform professional practice and education internationally.

Jaya Raju is Associate Professor and Head of Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship, University of Cape Town. She has written extensively in the area of LIS education and its implications for the LIS services work environment, particularly in the African developing context. Her current research focus is the development of LIS competency indices which may be used by practitioners to ascertain existing knowledge and skills and to identify areas for further knowledge and skills acquisition, as well as by LIS educators for curriculum review and revision.

Webinar:  Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 1:00 - 2:00 pm EDT