I am affiliated with the University of Denver, Business School for my PhD study.
2. As a professional association, ALISE thrives as its members thrive. What do you wish the ALISE members to know about you and your contribution to the profession and association – e.g., what are your research interests, what do you bring to the profession?
Information professionals’ responsibilities have been transformed by information and communication technology (ICT) in the past few decades. In a library context, most, if not all operations are supported by information systems. My aspiration is to apply the rigors of Management of Information Systems discipline to Library and Information Science via research, teaching, and leadership. With deeper understanding of the roles information technologies play in the libraries, information professionals can maximize the impact technologies can bring to mission.
3. When did you join ALISE?
October 2017
4. As a new member of ALISE: How would you describe ALISE?
ALISE is an essential voice for Library and Information Science educators and scholars.
5. Describe your reason(s) for joining ALISE, and/or what membership benefits are you looking forward to receiving?
I am interested in developing research-driven solutions for teaching and leadership in academic libraries and look forward to keeping current with developing pedagogy for Library and Information Science education through ALISE.
6. If your colleague is introducing you to another ALISE member at a social gathering at the ALISE annual conference, what three words would you expect him/her to use to describe you, personally?
Analytical, goal-oriented, person of high integrity
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