Candidate for President Elect
Candidate's Statement: I began my ALISE membership when I was a doctoral student, taking on a leadership role early in my career as convener of the ALISE Doctoral Students Special Interest Group. Since then, I have served as the ALISE School Representative, organized and sponsored the ALISE Part Time Faculty Luncheon and Workshop, and more recently, served on the ALISE Membership Taskforce. Outside of ALISE, I have served as ASIS&T president; one of my major presidential initiatives was to develop a strategic plan for ASIS&T. Biography: She has held numerous leadership roles in professional associations, including as the President of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) in 2015. She is currently the co-chair of the IFLA Continuing Professional Development & Workplace Learning standing committee, the American Library Association Council representative for the International Relations Roundtable, and advisory board member for the Center for the Future of Libraries. She is the editor of a foundational textbook: Information Services Today: An Introduction; the second edition was published in March 2018. To provide ongoing professional development opportunities to informational professionals, she co-founded and co-chairs the free global virtual Library 2.0 conference series. She is currently working on an IMLS-funded project to explore the possible applications of blockchain technology in libraries. |