Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Special Interest Groups provide a vehicle for ALISE members to share ideas, plans, news, and opinions related to a particular area of interest. The groups are distinct from the usual committee structure in that participation is voluntary rather than appointive, and there is no obligation to produce anything. Special Interest Groups can parallel ALISE Standing Committees, but the two serve distinct functions and should guard against confusing these functions. Members of Standing Committees are appointed and are charged with specific tasks. Special Interest Groups are encouraged to hold discussion meetings for the exchange of ideas.

Consider joining our SIG listservs (referred to as e-lists)! The ALISE Listservs provides members with immediate access to a global network of library and information science professionals who can respond to queries in real time. Read more about the ALISE Listservs and how to sign up.

Want less clutter in your inbox? Consider visiting the SIG Forums. The Forums provide an area for ALISE members to engage in conversation with one another, share files, and subscribe to their favorite topics. Forums work similar to the Listservs, but message threads live on the website and discussions and topics can easily be revisited. Read more about the ALISE Forums and how to sign up.

Looking to connect with fellow SIG members? Find SIG members using one of two available directories:

  1. ALISE Membership Directory 
  2. SIG Membership Directory.

Information for SIG Conveners

Annual SIG Report Submission

  • The form link is updated annually just prior to the annual conference.

Not sure which SIG to join?  The SIG Talk series offers a brief (approximately 5 minute) introduction of the Special Interest Groups and what they can offer ALISE members.

ALISE SIG Talk Series

Roles and Responsibilities Cluster

Doctoral Students

The Doctoral Student SIG provides a space for honest discussion among Library and Information Science Ph.D. students. Our main goal is to help doctoral students via peer-to-peer and mentor-mentee conversations covering numerous topics including research, teaching, publishing, dissertation completion, stress relief, and career-seeking both within and outside of the academy. The SIG hopes to be a resource and welcoming place for students at any stage of their Ph.D.

SIG Forum


Vanessa Kitzie

Yi Wan

Part-time and Adjunct Faculty

To promote the interest and needs of LIS part-time and adjunct instructors.

SIG Forum


Joanna Depolt



Teaching and Learning Cluster


The Curriculum SIG focuses on Library and Information Science (LIS) curriculum.

SIG Forum


Elizabeth Burns

Holly Herbert

Innovative Pedagogies

The goal of the Innovative Pedagogies SIG is to facilitate discussion and to provide a space where like minded individuals can come together to share/showcase novel approaches to pedagogy that are easy to replicate/utilize in the classroom and practice.

SIG Forum


Anthony Dunbar

Shanw(ta) Smith Cruz

Topics and Courses Cluster

Archival/Preservation Education

The Archival / Preservation Education (ArchiPrEd) SIG aims to support archival educators in particular with their pedagogical and curricular activities.

SIG Forum

Sarah A. Buchanan

Disabilities in LIS

Founded in 2019, the Disability and Inclusion Special Interest Group of the Association for Library and Information Science Education is dedicated to addressing gaps and deficiencies in the state of disability inclusion in library and information science.

SIG Forum

Keren Dali

Kim M. Thompson

Andrew Smith

Equity and Social Justice

The Equity and Social Justice SIG explores the state of affairs in ethnic, multicultural and humanistic concerns in LIS. The SIG has also expanded to create and promote discussions and activities related to social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion and their role in the larger LIS profession.

SIG Forum



Aisha Johnson

Lenese Colson

Gender Issues

The Gender Issues SIG aims to address library and information science issues and research from a queer, feminist, and intersectional lens. In particular, it aims to explore how gender identities in all their forms impact the use of and engagement with information and information technologies.

SIG Forum


Travis Wagner


The Health SIG seeks to provide a collaborative forum for ALISE members to share ideas, knowledge, and expertise related to various health contexts.

SIG Forum


Noah Lenstra

Abigail L. Phillips

Beth Bloch

Historical Perspectives

The Historical Perspectives SIG's purpose is to provide a space for teaching and scholarship related to historical aspects of librarianship, archives, and/or information, writ large.

SIG Forum


Beth Patin

Joseph Winberry

Information Ethics

The Information Ethics SIG advocates for and discusses information ethics, data ethics, related policy issues, and emerging ethical concerns.

SIG Forum

Subscribe to the Info Ethics Listserv

Cameron Pierson

Andrew Zalot

Information Policy

The Information Policy SIG promotes and supports research on, and teaching about, information policy in the field of library and information science and the implementation and advocacy of information policy in library and information organizations and institutions. Information policy encompasses laws and policies related to the creation, use, storage, access, and dissemination of information.

SIG Forum

Subscribe to the Info Policy SIG Listserv


Xiaohua Zhu

Charles Sutton

International Library Education

The International Library Education SIG brings together ALISE members and LIS scholars interested in international and comparative librarianship. Members are committed to integrating international issues in LIS curriculum, identifying possibly global collaborations and partnerships, developing common understandings of LIS principles and practices, and providing students rich experiences like study abroad, exchange programs and international courses.

SIG Forum


Lisa Hussey

School Library Media

The School Library Media SIG brings school library professionals together to discuss and share information about current research and practices important to school librarianship.

SIG Forum

Subscribe to the SLM Listserv

Xiaofeng Li

Rene Burress

Metadata, Cataloging, & Collections

The Metadata, Cataloging, & Collections (MCC) SIG focuses on current research and practice in metadata, cataloging, and collection management education, as well as encouraging discussion on innovative and inclusive approaches to teaching in this area within the field of library and information science. 

Formerly Technical Services Education SIG.

SIG Forum


Karen Snow

Gretchen Hoffman

Shawne Miksa

Youth Services

The Youth Services SIG is one of the Special Interest Groups of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). Youth Services encompasses the areas of Public Library Youth Services and Youth Literature. The SIG's purpose is to bring together scholars and practitioners in these areas to share research and best teaching practices.

SIG Forum

Subscribe to the YouthSIG Listserv

Rachel Magee

Kerry Townsend