Call for Webinar Proposals
ALISE is now accepting webinar proposals. Our webinars focus on best practices, innovative pedagogy, and areas of concern in library and information science (LIS) education. Before submitting your proposal, please prepare the following for submission:
- Webinar title, topic area, description, intended audience, preferred dates & times
- All presenter names, titles, institutions, and brief description of experience/expertise on the topic
- Moderator information, if applicable
All ALISE webinars will be recorded. Written permission to record the proposed webinar and share it with our members via the ALISE website is required. All presenters must complete the permission form. Once the webinar has been approved, the ALISE office will contact you with the permission form for your speakers to complete.
Submit your proposal
Webinar submission and hosting details
- Your topic should be related to research and practice associated with the professional education of library and information professionals. It should be of interest to ALISE members and LIS professionals involved in LIS education.
- A webinar session will typically last for an hour, which includes 45 minutes presentation and 15 minutes Q&A.
- If your topic fits into the subject areas of an existing ALISE Special Interest Group (SIG), please contact the SIG conveners to get their approval before submitting the proposal through the web form. The list of SIGs is available online.
- If your topic does not fit into the subject areas of an existing ALISE SIG, you may submit your proposal directly via the submission form.
- Through the webinar proposal submission form, you will enter information regarding the topic, the speakers, and your preferred date/time. You will also need to identify a moderator for your session.
- You will receive a notification as to whether your webinar has been accepted within three weeks of submission to ALISE.
- Once your webinar proposal has been accepted, the ALISE office will contact you to ask each webinar presenter to provide a brief biography and, (if available), an image of the presenter.
- The ALISE office will contact you regarding scheduling. Presentation times are scheduled between 10:00am and 4:00pm (EST/EDT), on normal business days (Monday-Friday).
- Scheduling is on a first-come first-serve basis and is dependent on availability, but we will do our best to accommodate your requested date and time.
- No proprietary or confidential information should be included in your presentation.
- The focus of ALISE webinars is on the principles and practices of LIS education. Commercial sales pitches and product endorsements are not allowed.
- Webinar sessions will be recorded and available for future viewing.
- Webinar hosts must be available for a practice session 1-2 weeks prior to the presentation.
- Presenters must provide the ALISE office with a copy of the presentation 48 hours in advance of the presentation.
- On the day of the webinar, the webinar presenters should conduct the webinar in a quiet room. You should schedule at least 80 minutes for the webinar: 20 minutes prior to the webinar to set up and test the technology and 60 minutes for the actual webinar.
Submit your proposal!