The ALISE Board of Directors is pleased to announce the 2020 ALISE award winners. These individuals exemplify the excellence that ALISE encourages and represents in the LIS community. Congratulations to all of our award winners!
ALISE Awards
ALISE Award for Professional Contribution to Library and Information Science Education
Suliman Hawamdeh, University of North Texas
ALISE Excellence in Teaching Award
Rachel Fleming-May, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
ALISE/Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award
Monica Maceli, Pratt Institute
ALISE/Norman Horrocks Leadership Award
Sarah Buchanan, University of Missouri
ALISE Community conn@ct Mini-Grants
Michele Villagran, San Jose State University; Ana Ndumu, University of Maryland, College Park; and the Reforma Education Committee Integrating Immigrants Into the LIS Workforce: A Pilot, Collaborative Project
ALISE/Connie Van Fleet Award for Research Excellence in Public Library Services to Adults
Lynn Silipigni Connaway, OCLC; Chris Cyr, OCLC; Michele Coleman, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Kendra Morgan, OCLC; Mercy Procaccini; OCLC, Larra Clark, Public Library Association, a Division of the American Library Association; and Scott Allen, Public Library Association, a Division of the American Library Association Public Libraries Respond to the Opioid Crisis With Their Communities
Annual Conference Awards & Grants
ALISE Best Conference Paper Award
Kyle Jones, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign New Methods, New Needs: Preparing Academic Library Practitioners to Address Ethical Issues Associated with Learning Analytics
Marcia A. Mardis, Florida State University; Faye R. Jones, Florida State University; Scott M. Pickett, Florida State University; Denise Gomez, Florida State University; Curtis S. Tenney, Florida State University; Zoe Leonarczyk, Florida State University; and Samantha Nagy, Florida State University Librarians as Natural Disaster Stress Response Facilitators: Building Evidence for Trauma-informed Library Education and Practice
Doctoral Student to ALISE Grant
Eric Ely, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Winberry, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Diversity Travel Award to the ALISE Annual Conference
Tae Hee Lee, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Jean Tague Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition
1st Place - Cameron Pierson, Victoria University Wellington
2nd Place - Cheryl Klimaszewski, Rutgers University
3rd Place - LeRoy LaFleur, Simmons University
Honorable Mention - Abdullah Almoqbil, University of North Texas
ALISE Research Awards/Grants
ALISE Research Grant Competition
Jungwon Yoon, University of South Florida, and James Andrews, University of South Florida Exploring Best Practices for Preparing Librarians in Adopting Artificial Intelligence Into Libraries
ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition
Mega Subramaniam, University of Maryland; Natalie Pang, National University of Singapore; Shandra Morehouse, University of Maryland; and S. Nisa Asgarali-Hoffman, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Positioning Vulnerability in Youth Digital Information Practices Scholarship: What are we Missing or Exhausting?
ALISE/Proquest Methodology Paper Competition
Vanessa Kitzie, University of South Carolina; Travis Wagner, University of South Carolina; A. Nick Vera, University of South Carolina; and Jocelyn Pettigrew, Richland Library Using the World Café Methodology to Support Community-centric Research and Practice in Library and Information Science